Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ludacris - "Obama Is Here" you have Luda giving props to Obama...But the song gets quickly rejected by Obama's campaign...

I know Luda was trying to give props...but one side of me says "He went about that song kinda wrong"...the other side of me says " so track...whatever"...

Obama's campaign didn't want anyone to get offended or scared...basically white people who are looking for a reason NOT to vote for it makes sense to reject the song since Luda kicked some lines like "paint the White House Black"...

If you're trying to be the President of the United States, you have to please the people...ALL PEOPLE...not just black...So in this sense, I feel where Obama and his people are coming from...bad move by Ludacris...

Muthafuckas kill me how they think if Obama is President, the black struggle will simply vanish...The next president will have to spend a tremendous amount of time cleaning up BUSH's fuck ups...So it's going to be a difficult task...I feel like it can be done...But sometimes I feel like some brothers and sisters think life will be smooth sailing if Obama is in office...There is no reason, for example, for cops to stop shooting innocent black men with Obama as President...If anything, the ignorant, racists fucks will probably look to retaliate in some way against their views on potentially, police brutality could remain the same, or get worse!!!

Regardless of who is in office, we all have to be leaders in our own right to see change...'cause if Obama doesn't do what you THINK he should do, then what are you gonna say!!??!

Just my two cents...

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